北海道、千葉、徳島、青森、長崎 など。輸入品は中国、ニュージーランド、台湾など。
- 品種名:五寸ニンジン、三寸ニンジン、ミニキャロット、金時ニンジン、葉ニンジン
- 分類:セリ科ニンジン属
- 学名:Daucus carota
Connoisseurship and cooking.
How to choose.
There are two types of carrots: the bright red oriental variety, Kintoki carrots, and the stubby western variety. The oriental variety has a strong sweet taste and is mainly used in Japanese cooking. Western carrots can be used in a wide range of dishes. The core of the carrot, with the leaves removed, should be small and tight, and the skin should be dark in color, shiny and smooth. Avoid carrots with a large core, cracks around the neck, or bluish discoloration.
The skin is rich in carotene, so peel the skin as thinly as possible (preferably with the skin on). The flavor changes depending on the way it is cut, so it should be used in different ways. Cut into strips for dressing, thin strips for salads, thin strips for kinpira (fried rice), and small cubes for fried rice. For simmered dishes, cut into round slices or half-moon slices.
Cooking Method.
It is delicious raw or cooked, and can be used in breads, pastries, jams, and other dishes. Cooking with oil improves the absorption of carotene. Enzymes in carrots destroy vitamin C, but adding vinegar or lemon juice prevents this effect. The cut cross section has three layers: the skin, the red flesh, and the yellow core. The flesh is the most aromatic and tasty part and is best eaten raw in salads and other dishes. The core can be used to flavor soups, meat and fish.
Storage Method.
Cut off the leafy ones as soon as possible, as the roots become softer if left untouched. Also, cut off the tip of the root as it starts to get sore. Wrap them in kitchen paper and put them in a storage bag and keep them standing in the refrigerator for a long time.
Cooking Examples.
Carrot salad, carrot and chikuwa stew, carrot and pork saute, carrot kakiage, carrot and scallion stew, carrot cookies, carrot cake, carrot bread, carrot jam, etc.
Processed products
Juice, etc.
Seasonal season and characteristics.
Domestic Distribution.
Hokkaido, Chiba, Tokushima, Aomori, Nagasaki, etc. Imported from China, New Zealand, Taiwan, etc.
When in season.
Available year-round, but in season from fall to winter.
Nutritional Content.
Rich in β-carotene and potassium. Its carotene content is one of the highest among vegetables, and it is easily absorbed when cooked with oil. Western varieties contain more carotene than oriental varieties.
One of the typical colored vegetables. Its coloration is due to carotene pigments. The distinctive odor, which is sometimes avoided because of its foul smell, is also due to carotene. Oriental carrots do not contain carotene and therefore have less of this odor. Oriental carrots were widely used until after World War II, but in the 1970s, Western carrots became the mainstream due to their ease of cultivation and the Westernization of food.
Variety and origin.
- Variety Name: Gosun carrot, Sansun carrot, Mini carrot, Kintoki carrot, Leaf carrot,
- Classification: Apiaceae
- Scientific name: Daucus carota
The vegetable originated in Central Asia, where it has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years. It is divided into two types: the Western type, which was introduced to Europe via Western Turkey, and the Eastern type, which was introduced to East Asia. Originally, the name “carrot” was derived from the medicinal ginseng, whose roots resemble the shape of a human being. Although the vegetable carrot is a different species, it is called carrot because of its similarity in shape. The scientific name “Kalota” is a Greek word meaning “burning. It is named after its fiery color. Oriental carrots, including the golden carrot, were introduced from China in the 17th century. Western carrots were introduced in the 19th century, and today Western carrots are more common.