- 品種名: ・早生系:奥原早生、向島、早生緑。 ・中性系:江戸川大乗、三河島、札幌線。 ・晩性系:鶴の子、茶のかおり。
- 分類:マメ科ダイズ属
- 学名:Glycine max
ダイズは中国では5000年前から栽培の歴史があり、東アジアで主に作られてきた。これらは穀物用として栽培されてきたが、野菜としての利用は17世紀末からである。穀物用としてのダイズは2000年前に日本に伝わったといわれ、古事記にも記載がある。ダイズのさやが緑色のうちに収穫して、若い種子を枝豆として食べ始めた時期は、奈良あるいは平安時代からともいわれているが定かではない。 江戸時代の文献には、夏に枝豆売りの姿が路上でみられたとされる記述が残されている。
Green soybeans.
Connoisseurship and cooking.
How to choose.
Freshness determines flavor. Select fruits with thick hairs, green in color, and puffy and uniform. Good quality fruits are well swollen, with three seeds in each pod. Avoid yellowish pods as they are hard.
Before boiling, remove the downy hairs by rubbing with salt, and then boil in boiling water.
Cooking Method.
Boiled in salted water and served as a snack. Also, use as edamame rice, deep-fried edamame, grind edamame into tofu, soup, or dressed with dressing.
Storage Method.
Since high respiration at high temperatures causes rapid loss of umami and sweetness components, it is advisable to refrigerate as soon as possible after harvest. For those with branches, place them in a polyethylene bag and store them in the refrigerator to prevent them from drying out. Although the pods are often sold in nets, they should be packed in polyethylene bags and refrigerated to prevent them from drying out. Packaged mogi pods can be stored at room temperature for 3 days, at 10°C for 6 days, and at 5°C for 9 days. Quickly Can also be boiled and frozen.
Seasonal season and characteristics.
Domestic Distribution.
Chiba, Yamagata, Niigata, Saitama, Gunma. Taiwan, etc.
When in season.
The peak season is from July to August. Imported from Taiwan from March to May as a preemptive measure of the season.
Nutritional Content.
Although high in water content, soybeans contain high quality protein and fat derived from soybeans. It also contains dietary fiber, carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin B1, which is essential for converting carbohydrates into energy, making it a highly nutritious vegetable. It also contains soybean saponins and isoflavones.
The immature seeds of soybeans are eaten as a vegetable in the form of edamame. Green varieties are the mainstream, but brown bean varieties with brownish pods and beans are in demand as a local vegetable. Yamagata’s dada-cha-mame and Niigata’s nigata-cha-mame are well-known. There is also black edamame, which is harvested as edamame.
Variety and origin.
- Variety Name: Early type: Okuhara Early type, Mukojima, Early Green. Neutral type: Edogawa Daijyo, Mikawashima, Sapporo Sen. Late maturing type: Tsuru-no-ko, Cha-no-Kaori.Classification: Fabaceae,
- Classification: Fabaceae (soybean)
- Scientific Name: Glycine max
Soybean has a 5,000-year history of cultivation in China and has been grown primarily in East Asia. They have been cultivated for grains, but their use as a vegetable dates from the end of the 17th century. It is said that soybeans for grains were introduced to Japan 2,000 years ago and are mentioned in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters). It is said that soybean pods were harvested while they were still green and the young seeds were eaten as edamame (green soybeans) during the Nara and Heian periods, but it is not certain. In documents from the Edo period (1603-1867), there are descriptions of edamame vendors being seen on the streets in the summer.