アカガイ Blood clam(Scapharca broughtonii).

English follows Japanese.




  • 殻つきのものなら、殻にひだが多くて、表面の毛が濃く、大きくて、形に丸みのあるものが良品である。とくに開いている口に触れるとすぐに閉じるもので、貝と貝をたたき合わせると硬い音がするものが新鮮。
  • むき身なら、鮮やかな朱色で、触れるとキュッと縮むぐらい生きのいいものを。身がふっくらと厚いものがおいしい。鮮度の高いものほど歯ごたえがよく、甘みも多く含まれている。


  1. 赤貝は生きたものを使用する。調理する直前まで剥かないほうがよい。殻をきれいに洗い、ナイフでちょうつがいを少しこじあける。
  2. 合わせ目にナイフを差し込んで、左右にある貝柱をすくうように殻からはずし、身のまわりについているひもをはずす。身は厚みを半分に切り開き、わたを包丁ですくうように切り取る。
  3. 身とわたを塩少々でもんでから冷水で洗う。身とひもは、血や内臓の部分を取り除き、必ず塩を振って軽く指先でもみ、さらにきれいに水洗いしてから使う。これで赤貝の生ぐさみを取ることができる。
  4. むき身は塩水で洗い、足糸の名残があるため、まな板の上で足を切り開くときには、これを引っ張って抜かなければならない。
  5. むき身を細かく切り込みを入れて細切りにし、まな板などにたたきつけると、切り目が目立って身がしまり歯ごたえがよくなり、唐草模様のようになる。













タンパク質が主成分。亜鉛、鉄、ビタミンB1、B2 が他の貝類と比較して多い。グルタチオン、タウリンなどを含む。


  • 貝殻は多少横長で、ちょうつがいの線はまっすぐで、櫛の歯のように細かい歯が多数並んでいて、左右がかみ合い、腹縁が丸く膨れている。
  • 体はヘモグロビン系の血液を持っているので赤い。独特の風味と舌触りがある。帯状の外套膜縁をひもと呼んで、好んで食べる人も多い。
  • 別名:きさ貝、赤玉、本玉、ばくだん
  • 由来:体が赤いことから赤貝と呼ばれる。市場では本玉と呼び、赤貝に似ているサトウガイ(バチ玉)と区別するためであるといわれる。





  • 学名:Scapharca broughtonii
  • 分類:フネガイ科サルボウ属
  • 原産地:北海道南部から東シナ海に分布





Blood clam(Scapharca broughtonii).

Connoisseurship and cooking.

How to select.

  • If it is a shelled shell, the best quality is one with many folds on the shell, dark hair on the surface, large, and rounded in shape. The shells should be fresh, especially if the open mouth closes immediately when touched and if there is a hard sound when the shells are tapped against each other.
  • For the peel, the color should be bright vermilion and the flesh should be so fresh that it shrinks when touched. The meat should be plump and thick. The fresher the fish is, the more crunchy it is and the sweeter it is.


  1. blood clams should be live. They should not be peeled until just before cooking. Clean the shells and slightly pry open the joints with a knife.
  2. Insert the knife into the joint and scoop out the scallops from the shell on either side, then remove the string around the meat. Cut the meat in half and scoop out the guts with a knife.
  3. Wash the meat and guts in cold water with a pinch of salt. Remove the blood and entrails from the meat and guts, sprinkle with salt, lightly rub with fingertips, and rinse with cold water before use. This will remove the raw flesh of the red mussel.
  4. The peeled meat is washed in salt water, and because there are remnants of the foot threads, these must be pulled out when the leg is cut open on the cutting board.
  5. When the peel is cut into fine strips and then slapped on a cutting board, the strips stand out and the meat becomes firm and chewy, giving it an arabesque pattern.

Cooking Method.

Tasty raw. Both the meat and string are highly prized as sashimi and sushi, taking advantage of its unctuous taste, elastic texture, and beautiful color. It is also suitable for vinegared or dressed dishes. When cooked, it is delicious as cooked rice or simmered dishes.

Sample Dishes.

Nigiri red clams, Nuta red clams, red clams and garland chrysanthemum with vinegared miso, Sashimi red clams, Sanbaizu red clams, Rice cooked with red clams.

Storage Method.

Refrigerate. Since it is for raw consumption, it should be consumed quickly.

Seasonal season and characteristics.

Domestic Distribution.

Ariake Sea, Mikawa Bay, Kagawa, Miyagi, etc. Domestic catches have been declining, and recently many are imported from China and Russia.

When in season.

Early spring, February to March.

Nutritional Content.

Protein is the main component. Contains more zinc, iron, and vitamins B1 and B2 than other shellfish. Contains glutathione, taurine, etc.


  • ・Shell is somewhat horizontal, with a straight hinge line and many fine teeth like those of a comb, interlocked on either side, and a rounded and swollen ventral margin.
  • ・The body is red because it has hemoglobin-based blood. It has a unique flavor and texture. Many people call the banded mantle edge a string and like to eat it.
  • ・Other names: kisa shell, akadama, hontama, bakudan
  • ・Origin: Called red shellfish because of its red body. In the market, it is called “Hondama” to distinguish it from the sugar clam (Bee’s-Eye), which is similar to the red clam.

Examples of Processed Products.

Peeled red clams.

Variety and origin.


  • Scientific name: Scapharca broughtonii
  • Place of Origin: Southern Hokkaido to East China Sea

Historical Background.

Once available along the coasts of all of Japan, but has been drastically reduced due to reclamation and land reclamation, and imports from Korea and China have been increasing.


Canned is a closely related species, the smaller Salbou.

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