ダイコン/大根 すずしろ Japanese radish.

English follows Japanese.
























  • 品種名:二年子、時無し、若春、宮重総太、丸尻、三浦、都、聖護院、桜島、方領、守口、源助
  • 分類:アブラナ科ダイコン属
  • 学名:Raphanus sativus






Japanese radish.

Connoisseurship and cooking.

How to choose.

Both the leaves and the roots should be straight, the roots should be firm, white, shiny, and fine-textured. The root holes should be straight and arranged in a row. Avoid plants with dark or cracked leaf bases, those that are light in comparison to their size, and those with damaged or uneven roots. Also, if you tap them with your finger and hear a muffled sound, they are of poor quality because they have spongy cavities inside.


Peel the peel thickly, as the fiber is hard just inside the peel. The peeled skin can be used for pickles. The flavor of daikon changes depending on how it is cut, so it is best to cut daikon according to the dish. Cutting daikon into round slices or half-moon slices is used for simmered dishes. Cut into chunks, cut into round slices or half-moon slices, and use in soups and stir-fries. Cut along the fibers: spiral slices are used as garnish for sashimi and namasu. Shredded into thin strips: use as ingredients in miso soup, salads, instant pickles, and stir-fried. Cut into strips, and use as a garnish for miso soup, salads, instant pickles, and stir-fry.

Cooking Method.

The part near the leaves is the sweet part and can be used for grating, salads, and vinegared dishes. The middle part is good for simmered or stir-fried dishes. The tips are pungent and can be used as a spicy grater, soup ingredient, or pickles. The leaves can also be lightly fried in oil, served in soups, or seasoned and mixed with rice.

Storage Method.

Immediately detach the leafy ones (they will get sooty if left with the leaves). Store in a storage bag in the refrigerator.

Cooking Examples.

Furofuki daikon, daikon salad, simmered radish and deep-fried tofu, etc.

Processed products

Kiriboshi-daikon (dried daikon), takuan (pickled radish), betara-zuke (pickled radish), daikon kimchi (kakuteki), etc.

Seasonal season and characteristics.

Domestic Distribution.

Hokkaido, Aomori, Chiba, Kanagawa, Miyazaki, etc.

When in season.

Generally fall and winter. Distribution is also possible in spring and summer.

Nutritional Content.

High in vitamin C. Leaves are rich in beta-carotene and calcium.


Daikon can be classified into three main categories: European radish, Chinese radish, and Japanese radish. Suzushiro,” one of the seven spring herbs, refers to radish. It has been an indispensable vegetable on the tables of the Japanese people since ancient times. It is said that there are dozens of species of Japanese radishes alone, and there are a variety of native species. In recent years, however, most of the varieties available on the market have been green-necked daikon.

Variety and origin.

  • Variety Name: Niyamago, Tokinashi, Wakaharu, Miyashige Sota, Marushiri, Miura, Miyako, Shogoin, Sakurajima, Horyo, Moriguchi, Gensuke,
  • Classification: Brassicaceae, Daikon
  • Scientific name: Raphanus sativus


Some say its origin is from the southern Caucasus to Palestine, Egypt, and Southwest Asia. In ancient Egypt, there is a record that radishes were fed to workers constructing the pyramids. It was also used as food in ancient Greece and Rome.

It is believed to have come to Japan from China at a very old date, and is mentioned in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) under the name “Ohone. In the Muromachi period (1333-1573), it came to be called “daikon,” meaning a vegetable with a large root. In Europe, the Latin word “radix (root)” gave rise to the English word “radish” and the French word “radie.


Today, “daikon leg” is a metaphor for a thick leg, but in ancient times, the whiteness of daikon was a symbol of feminine beauty, as the Manyoshu (Japan’s oldest anthology of poetry) compared a woman’s arm to “pure white like oo’oo mud” (於朋泥). The pure white color was considered sacred and was used in important offerings during festivals. The saying, “In a house with daikon, there is no disease” is a reference to the high nutritional value of daikon.

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