セロリ セロリー Celery.

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  • 品種名:コーネル、トップセラー、ホワイトプルーム
  • 分類:セリ科オランダミツバ属
  • 学名:Apium graveolens var. dulce





Connoisseurship and cooking.

How to choose.

Good quality is the one with glossy leaves, wide, thick and long stems, well-defined stripes, and a fresh, fragrant aroma. For whole plants, choose those with a rounded base and a white, clean cut edge without any cracks. If it is sold in pieces, check for the presence of soot (look at the cut end or press the stem to see if it is dented, which is often the case), and the stems should be rolled inward rather than open. Stems with whitish stems and yellowish leaves are old.


emove the surface muscle carefully with a knife or peeler, as it becomes hard and unpleasant to the palate. When eating raw, soak in cold water after cutting and refrigerate to improve the texture. For cooking, cut into thin slices for salads and kinpira, diagonal slices for stir-fries, and thin slices for salads and gratins.

Cooking Method.

Celery is generally eaten raw as a savory vegetable in salads and as a garnish for meat dishes, but its unique aroma also makes it suitable for stir-fries and simmered dishes with meat and fish. It can also be used in a wide range of dishes, such as Chinese-style, Western-style cream stews, curry, dressings, and boiled and served with salad or pickled in vinegar. Celery leaves can be used not only as a bouquet garni (a bunch of aromatic herbs used to flavor meat and fish and remove odors) in stews, but also in stir-fries, food boiled in soy sauce, deep-fried dishes, etc.

Storage Method.

Separate the leaves from the stems and place each in a plastic bag and store upright in the refrigerator. To keep the stems fresh, cover the base of the stems with kitchen paper dampened with water.

Cooking Examples.

Celery and pork shabu salad, celery cheese dip, celery and seafood nuta, pickles, celery and apple juice, pickled celery in raayu oil, fried celery, fried celery and squid with ginger, fried celery and chicken meat, fried sweet and sour, marinated pork with celery, soup, cream stew, fried celery leaves and beef fried celery leaves and beef, celery leaves and baby sardines in soy sauce, fried celery leaves, celery and ham au gratin, salad on a stick, etc.

Processed products

Nukazuke (pickles), pickles with sakekasu (sake lees).

Seasonal season and characteristics.

Domestic Distribution.

Domestically produced in Nagano, Shizuoka, Fukuoka, Aichi, etc. Imports are mostly from the U.S.

When in season.

Available year-round, but in season from November to May.

Nutritional Content.

High in carotene, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.


A savory vegetable with a distinctive aroma. It is classified into yellow, green, and intermediate varieties according to the color of its leaves, and in the past, the yellow variety was widely used in Japan. In Japan, the yellow variety used to be the most common, but recently the intermediate variety has become the main type. In Japan, it is mainly eaten raw, but it is also suitable for simmered, pickled, or stir-fried dishes.

Variety and origin.

  • Variety Name: Top Seller, White Plume
  • Scientific name: Apium graveolens var. dulce


The origin is Europe, with wild species distributed along the Mediterranean coast and in the Middle East. It has a long history in Europe, being used as a medicinal and odor-eliminating agent as early as the 5th century B.C. in ancient Greece and Rome. It was first cultivated as a vegetable in Italy in the 17th century. Later, it spread to France, England, and other countries.

It is said that it was first brought back to Japan from Korea at the end of the 16th century by Kiyomasa Kato during the Japanese invasion of Korea during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, and was called “Kiyomasa Carrot. Later, it was brought to Japan by Dutch ships under the name “Holland Mitsuba” (Dutch mitsuba), but it did not become popular due to its unique flavor.

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